Floresta Flutuante

Adoro ideias geniais, e se contribuírem para um mundo melhor então fico maravilhada. A maior parte das vezes penso o mesmo, como é que nunca ninguém tinha pensado nisto?!
É o caso desta floresta flutuante Bobbing Forrest da cidade de Roterdão, projeto encabeçado pela organização MotherShip, que você precisa de conhecer.
Mas o que é o Bobbing Forrest?
“The project ‘Bobbing Forrest’ is a concept of artist Jorge Bakker, who is known for his sculptures and installations with an architectural impact. ‘In Search Of Habit’ consists of an aquarium filled with floats in which model trees grow.
These miniature trees floating on the water raise questions about the relationship between the city dweller and nature. What does a city dweller have with nature and how humans and nature relate to the world around them?
Jeroen Everaert, Anne van der Zwaag (art historian and cultural entrepreneur) and Jurgen Bey (director Sandberg Institute and Dutch designer) found the concept so appealing that they decided to make an attempt to implement the concept in real life.
After a long time of experimentation and testing, in the spring of 2016 the ‘Bobbing Forrest’ will enter the water with twenty trees. The Rijnhaven will never be the same.
The ‘Bobbing Forrest’ is an innovative and greening project, good for the city!”

Se conhecer mais algum projeto deste tipo conte-nos.
Um beijinho.

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